Soundcraft Si Impact digital mixing console gets free firmware update that enables the desk to handle up to 80 total channels.
The free V2.0 firmware update works with the new Mini Stagebox 32i and 16i, and in conjunction with free updates to ViSi Remote and ViSi Listen tablet control apps, providing new options for Si Impact users. new configuration options are:
With the new additions and firmware update, users can now combine the 40 mix inputs on the back of the Si Impact console plus all 32 USB inputs for 72 total channels to mix. Alternately, they can add a Mini Stagebox 32i or 16i as additional input sources, for up to 64 mic channels to mix, or add a second MADI option card to the Si Impact console, and add two Mini Stagebox units—a configuration that provides up to 96 microphone preamps, 136 total inputs and 80 channels to mix. As another option, users can add the Dante option card and work with 64 Dante channels to mix.
New versions of the ViSi tablet applications are now available to support the expanded Si Impact channel count. ViSi Remote 3.4.3 and ViSi Listen 1.1.1 are now available at the Apple App Store and the Google Play store.
Si Impact v2.0 firmware Download